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Are you confused about what article to write?

how to write blog article

Are you confused about what article to write?

Content is the king and the key to your search engine visibility. You have to do it by yourself or hire someone or Content marketing agency in Dallas to get the best performance of SEO or search engine optimization. Here’s are some tips on finding blog article writing Ideas –

On this occasion I will write an article on how to find blog article writing ideas, just as I am experiencing now, suddenly I want to write an article on this blog, maybe because I am excited to write. So I woke up to write on this.

By the title of the article confused about what article to write on the blog? Then I will give a tip that can wake you up to write articles on a blog or even remind you to write articles on your blog. For more details, please read some of the tips below when you’re having trouble finding ideas for writing articles on your blog.

  1. Take a pen or pencil and paper
  2. Listen to music
  3. Read all types of reading
  4. Share experiences
  5. Look for references
  6. Answering question and comments
  7. Don’t watch television
  8. Make an article like this

1. Take a pen or pencil and paper

Wherever you go try to take a pen or pencil and paper to make a small note for your article writing ideas, sometimes you find the idea of writing articles when you are outside whether you are working, school or doing daily activities. Apart from that, sometimes you memorize the idea and will write it but unfortunately, most of the ideas you have remembered have forgotten; this is what causes you to lose ideas and it’s hard to write articles on blogs, so write small notes wherever you go.

2. Listen to music

Music can indeed relax the mind for the listener, especially soft and relaxing rhythmic music, by listening to music we can calm the mind and relieve stress. Therefore if you are looking for an idea to write an article but it is difficult to find it, then calm your mind first, then try to think again.

3. Read all types of readings

Reading all types of reading means reading various types of books, news, magazines, blogs and forums that are around you, try to find ideas that are suitable for you to write on your blog. From the book you are reading, please look for something that you do not understand, then you look for the meaning. These processes will make you thinking topics and by the thinking power you will able to write something that will help you for creating the unique article for your blog

Share experiences

If you run out of ideas, it would be nice to keep your blog updated, please share your daily experience on your blog, it will help you to make an interesting article. In sharing your experiences you can write a story that is happening on that day or even you can also share in an article.

5. Look for References

Looking for a reference on the internet is also not easy, you might have difficulty in finding ideas for writing what articles, but you can overcome them by searching for what you are experiencing now. For example, you are having difficulty finding ideas, and then look for the article by searching Google; you will find tons of related articles on blogs, forums as well as a social media network. There are many articles you can look around for a while and even if it’s good you can make it as a reference for your blog article.

6. Answering Questions Comments

From some of the comments on your blog and social media post; there must be a question addressed to the article or even to yourself, answer the question briefly and if necessary make a new article if the answer is indeed very long and suitable to be used as an article. So what if the blog doesn’t have a comment yet?

If your blog is still quiet and not too many comments, then follow the way to point 1 to 5, surely at least you will find some ideas for writing blog articles.

7. Don’t Watch Television

According to my teacher, when you can’t find an idea, don’t watch TV (television), because it won’t find an idea and it is unnecessary and wastage of your valuable time. You know, time is money.

Another thing also says that watching television causes the brain to slowly weaken through your nose and ears; therefore it is not necessary to search for articles to write for your blogs while watching television.

8. Make Articles like this Way

Are you confused about writing what articles on your blog? In point number 5, I ask you to look for a reference on the internet, you can easily write articles like this. So, looking for an idea to write articles is very easy and simple, the only difficult thing is ourselves depends on the spirit or not in article writing.

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