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A Brief Overview of Web Hosting Types

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What do you mean there are different types of web hosting?

One of my friends Debby didn’t know what she was looking at: There were a million different types of web hosting options in front of her and she had no idea which one would be right for her web site. She didn’t even have a clue where to begin. So, using Google she began by starting at the top of the list and then went down it one-by-one, to find the answers to what each one did and which one would be right for her.

Debby made a list of all the hosts she could find information on. Most importantly, she found definitions for most of the mess that caused her initial headache. Budget hosts focus on the feature-to-dollar scenario, where you pay for exactly what you get. These services are used for people who necessary can’t afford all the bells and whistles for their web site. Here I am going to describe some known and common type of web hosting such as:

  • Reseller hosting
  • FrontPage hosting
  • Linux hosting
  • Windows hosting
  • Hosting for eCommerce

Reseller hosting

Reselling hosts are more business oriented on the web site scheme of life. After buying hosting services through another company, a reseller will make sure all your web hosting bills are affordable. This type of host is also good for those who may be on a tight budget but need a web site for other reasons.

FrontPage hosting

FrontPage web hosts are centred on the Microsoft FrontPage software which has become all the rage when designing web sites. These types of hosts focus on the software package and offer specialized technical support and customer service to integrate Microsoft’s technology.

Linux hosting

Linux OS (Operating System) based hosting server. That’s why it’s called Linux hosting.  Some companies offer packages, add-ons, extras and sometimes even more. They are the complete package and cost a decent amount of capital.

Hosting for eCommerce

Ecommerce hosts are used mainly for businesses and the extra storage and stability needed to maintain a full-time service on the internet. These companies focus on integrating specific tools into your site that larger business pages use to make it easier for customers to interact with them. Managed hosting options also integrate business services with personal pages for the not-quite-a-business site but still selling products and services intermixed with personal concepts and designs.

What happens if you choose the wrong hosting for your website?

Those were just some of the choices out there; as Debby soon learned, and she was able from this list to not only find the right service for her but the best service for her web site. With a little bit of effort and a lot of research, you, too, can find the best company for your purposes and have the best web site on the WWW (World Wide Web).

Dallas Hosting services

Do you need assistance regarding the website? For better understating of having a website, you can read the topic “Benefits of having Dedicated business website”.

Are you looking for any Dallas Hosting  Services? I recommend contacting Intrigue IT. We have a group of IT specialist who is waiting to help you. 

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